Monday, July 10

La Lac Leman

We know it as Lake Geneva, but here it's called Lac Leman. The foothills of the Alps are in the distance. The kids think they're HUGE. Just wait...

We spent Sunday at the Olympic museum. Lausanne is home to the IOC. Here, the kids are in front of the Olympic flame at the museum.

We had dinner after at a 2nd floor Chinese restaurant. The tables were situated on a balcony overlooking St. Francois and the pedestrian mall. During dinner we were serenaded by soccer fans in robes chanting "ALLEZ LE BLU!". There must be a lot of Italians here, because after they won the World Cup, the streets were busy until after 1am. There was lots of shouting and honking. It was really rather unusual, because the area we live in is residential. It would be like having crazy partying in the streets at home.

Today we spent the day getting bus passes, and yes, that's it. As our days seem to go, it was a comedy of errors that (finally) ended well. It took 1 round trip bus ride home, 2 passport photo shoots, and 3 trips to the bus card office. Considering every trip is uphill at least one way, it's fair to say we were exhausted by the end of the afternoon. Thankfully, our friends from Indiana were with us holding our hands and watching kids! If it weren't for them, we'd still be homebound.

Tomorrow is a trip to IKEA for housewares (only necessities, of course).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Holy cow the kids have grown up! Makes me regret not making a bigger effort to see you guys.

Have fun at Ikea (Sweden's largest food exporter).

Tue Jul 11, 04:36:00 AM GMT+2  

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