Sunday, July 23

To France, Italy, & Back to Switzerland

Saturday, we drove through Switzerland, France, and Italy. In France, we visited Chamonix at the base of Mont Blanc (4,808 meters). From Chamonix, we drove through the Mont Blanc Tunnel into Italy. We were only in Italy long enough to drive through the St. Bernard Pass to return to Switzerland. The St. Bernard Pass was our highest elevation, at approximately 2500 meters.

As you will probably soon tell from the number of photos in this entry, we thought this was a fun day trip. Here, you see the kids and Nic in Chamonix with Mont Blanc in the background. While in Chamonix, Isabel and Isaac had a treat ... Hamburger & French Fries. Nicole learned a new French phrase, "Toast on Cheese," French for 'Cheese Toast.' For the Mont Blanc-curious, it's an amazing mountain with many glaciers. You can get a first introduction through

By far, the biggest treat in Chamonix was Isabel's Percy experience. Near the train station is a green No. 6 train ... obviously Percy. For those unfamiliar with the subject, Percy is Isabel's favorite train from Thomas the Tank Engine. Isabel was able to climb inside Percy and be the conductor.

Eventually, we had to leave Chamonix. There were many adventures left for future trips, but we thoroughly enjoyed the place. Maybe next time we will ride the gondolas up Mont Blanc or plan for a hike on the mountainside. In this photo, we are about to enter the There were many mountain streams along our mountain trip. This one photo represents one of those many streams created by the melting snows and glaciers.

Having passed through the tunnel and entered into Italy, we started our return to Switzerland. The drive involved some extremely windy, narrow, steep roads. As you can see in the photo, the scenery was amazing.

On the way up to the pass, we stopped a couple of times. One stop was at a mountain cheese and sausage place. It was a nice place to stop and change into some warmer clothes. We took advantage of our second stop to play in the snow. What self-respecting Minnesotan would pass up the opportunity for a mid-July snow fight? Well, not Isabel (only one of us anywhere close to a real Minnesotan). With Isaac in his flip-flops, you can imagine the fun we had.

The final stop on our day trip is the The pass also marks the border between Italy and Switzerland. Border security isn't a real priority here, but we did have our passports.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish I were there!

Mon Jul 24, 01:49:00 AM GMT+2  

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